SES - Syndicat des Eaux du Sud

Where? Fockemillen, L-8386 Koerich

SES - Syndicat des Eaux du Sud

At the water works you can discover the element of water in all its forms. The waterworks (SES) supplies the water reservoirs of the connected municipalities with drinking water. Guided tours take you through the Water Discovery Centre ''Themaqua'', to an underground source of drinking water and to the drinking water reservoir on ''Rebierg''.
The visit of the facility takes 3 hours:

  • Presentation of the SES (Powerpoint; 30 minutes),
  • Projection of a DVD (only in Luxemburgish; 15 minutes),
  • Visit of the facility (30 minutes)
  • Possibility to visit an undergournd source (15 minutes)
  • Possibility to visit the drinking water reservoir Rebierg (60 minutes). 

Due to the fact that groups are only limited to 50 persons, it is very important to state the exact number of persons when registering for a visit.

Opening hours


Address: Syndicat des Eaux du Sud
L-8386 Koerich
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